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Lonti Blog

We publish content that will help improve your business. No fluffy blog posts here; just in-depth, information-packed articles with insights you can apply to your business straight away.


Data Mesh and Microservices: A Perfect Pairing

Discover the powerful synergy between Data Mesh and Microservices in managing data and services. Learn how these architectures promote autonomy, decentralization, and ownership, leading to operational success and innovation.
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Why APIs, service discovery, and registry are crucial for your microservices architecture

Learn why APIs, service discovery, and registry are essential for your microservices architecture. Increase flexibility, scalability, and fault tolerance.
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The importance of API versioning and best practices for microservices

Learn the importance of API versioning in microservices architecture and how to implement it effectively with our best practices guide. Discover how to manage APIs, document them using OpenAPI or Swagger, optimize performance, and ensure seamless integration across your system.
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Ex-Amazon IT manager shares how they migrated from a monolith to SOA

Lee Atchison talks about his time at Amazon, their migration from a monolith architecture to SOA and the lessons they’ve learned.
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Adopting microservices? Avoid these like the plague


Adopting microservices? Avoid these like the plague

Experts have said it over and over - you can’t be too careful when it comes to Microservices adoption.
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Intimidated by OAuth


Intimidated by OAuth? Here’s why you shouldn’t be

According to the OAuth website, 'OAuth is the industry-standard protocol for authorization', which focuses on simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for web applications.
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Don’t dismiss monoliths for microservices just yet


Don’t dismiss monoliths for microservices just yet

In a Cloud Microservices Market report, it was found that the cloud microservices market was valued at USD 831.45 billion in 2020, and it is expected to reach USD 2,701.36 billion by 2026.
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Microservices in modern software development

Software Development

Microservices in modern software development

James Lewis says that the concept of Microservices has become a guiding principle in modern software development.
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Traditional Application Designs to Microservices


Traditional Application Designs to Microservices

Over the last 20 years, organizations around the world have begun breaking down their monolithic architectures into smaller and more manageable components.
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