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Lonti Blog

We publish content that will help improve your business. No fluffy blog posts here; just in-depth, information-packed articles with insights you can apply to your business straight away.

Data Lakes

Real-time Analytics with Data Lakes

Discover the transformative power of real-time analytics in data lakes. Explore the challenges, best practices, and the emergence of the Data Lakehouse architecture for agile and informed decision-making.
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Data Lakes

A Guide to Data Lake Governance

Discover the importance of data lake governance in our digital world. Learn how effective governance can maximize the potential of data lakes and ensure trustworthiness and usability. Find out the pillars of data lake governance and the challenges and trends in this evolving field. Join us on the journey towards clarity, security, and purpose in data management.
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Data Lakes

Optimizing Performance in Data Lakes

Learn how to optimize performance in data lakes by striking a balance between speed and flexibility. Discover strategies such as decoupling storage from compute, data partitioning, intelligent data caching, and more. Master the intricacies of metadata and query performance for diverse datasets. Harness the power of machine learning and data governance to improve performance. Redefine the boundaries of what's possible with data lakes and pave the way for future innovations.
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Data Lakes

Data Lakes for Unstructured Data

Discover the power of data lakes for unstructured data in this blog. Learn how businesses can navigate the challenges of managing unstructured data and derive valuable insights. Embrace the new era of data management and turn data into a strategic advantage.
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Securing the Data Lake: Data Security in a Data Lake

Discover the multifaceted nature of data lake security and the challenges organizations face in protecting their valuable data. Learn about the intricate security measures and governance considerations needed to create a robust and resilient security architecture. Find out how authentication, authorization, data encryption, data masking, tokenization, monitoring, and auditing play a crucial role in securing data lakes. Explore the role of machine learning in data lake security and the future of data lake security in an evolving threat landscape.
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Cloud Computing

Implementing Data Lakes in the Cloud

Learn how data lakes in the cloud are revolutionizing data storage and analysis. Discover the benefits of flexibility, scalability, and operational efficiency. Implementing a data lake is the strategic choice for modern businesses.
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Data Lakes

Stream Processing with Data Lakes

Discover the transformative power of integrating stream processing with data lakes. Learn how this synergy revolutionizes real-time data handling and enables proactive, game-changing analytics. Don't miss out on this competitive advantage in today's data-driven world.
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Machine Learning

Utilizing Machine Learning with Data Lakes

Unlock the transformative power of machine learning and data lakes. Discover how these two worlds converge to yield enhanced insights and drive data-driven decision-making.
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Data Management

Data Lakes vs Data Warehouses

Understand the differences between data lakes and data warehouses and how they impact your data storage strategy. Explore their historical context, architectural differences, performance, scalability, cost efficiency, use-cases, compliance, security, and future trends. Create a harmonious blend of speed, flexibility, and reliability in your data ecosystem.
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