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Lonti Blog

We publish content that will help improve your business. No fluffy blog posts here; just in-depth, information-packed articles with insights you can apply to your business straight away.

Data Lakes

Real-time Analytics with Data Lakes

Discover the transformative power of real-time analytics in data lakes. Explore the challenges, best practices, and the emergence of the Data Lakehouse architecture for agile and informed decision-making.
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Securing the Data Lake: Data Security in a Data Lake

Discover the multifaceted nature of data lake security and the challenges organizations face in protecting their valuable data. Learn about the intricate security measures and governance considerations needed to create a robust and resilient security architecture. Find out how authentication, authorization, data encryption, data masking, tokenization, monitoring, and auditing play a crucial role in securing data lakes. Explore the role of machine learning in data lake security and the future of data lake security in an evolving threat landscape.
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SQL for Data Visualization

Explore the transformative role of SQL in data visualization and how it enhances data interpretation and decision-making. Discover how SQL shapes visual narratives and uncovers actionable insights from complex data sets.
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iPaaS in ELT Processes

Discover the transformative role of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) in modern ELT processes. Explore how iPaaS enables seamless integration, automation, and orchestration across diverse data sources and platforms.
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Use Cases

ELT in Modern Data Architecture

Discover the power of ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) in modern data architecture. Learn how ELT is revolutionizing data integration, enabling real-time analytics, and driving the future of data management.
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Data Management

Machine Learning in Data Management

Explore how machine learning transforms the pillars of data management—collection, storage, and analysis—for a smarter, more responsive future.
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Digital Transformation

The Impact of IoT on Data Integration: A Transformational Journey

Explore how IoT is reshaping data integration strategies, from the challenges of data heterogeneity to the evolution of data lakes, warehouses, and mesh architectures.
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Discovering the power of Representational State Transfer (REST)

Discover the principles and history of Representational State Transfer (REST) and why its six constraints are essential for building scalable web services and APIs.
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API Management

Using query parameters and headers in REST API design

Learn benefits, examples & considerations of using query parameters & headers in REST API design. Improve functionality, security & performance.
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