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Lonti Blog

We publish content that will help improve your business. No fluffy blog posts here; just in-depth, information-packed articles with insights you can apply to your business straight away.

Are we ready for an event-driven future?


Are we ready for an event-driven future?

James Urquhart predicts the emergence of Flow and how the adoption of event-driven integration could help optimize the way organizations deliver solutions – but at what cost?
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Digital transformation challenges in 2021

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation challenges in 2021

Digital transformation allows organizations to adjust to new technologies and take advantage of their benefits in order to build business value.
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Going Agile in 2021

Agile Development

Going Agile in 2021? Here's what you need to do — James Shore

Work is never going to be the same again. 2020 has seen work undergo transformative change due to remote working setups adopted across the globe.
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Company remote teams

Agile Development

Can you make your remote teams more 'agile'?

In a bid to make communication between remote working teams easier during this pandemic, organizations are seen investing in more collaboration tools and technologies.
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Should developers fear low-code

Low-Code Development

Should developers fear low-code?

In this blog, we will explain why low-code application development (LCAD) should be viewed as every developer's ally.
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Polyglot programming


What is polyglot programming?

Languages have created a boundary between frontend and backend developers.
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Office life in the midst of a pandemic

Toro Cloud

Inside Toro: Office life in the midst of a pandemic

In the middle of a global health crisis, Toro Cloud continues to grow.
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