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Why you should be using a hexagonal architecture for microservices with José Haro Peralta

Our guest for today is a consultant, author, and instructor. He's the founder of and the author of "Microservice APIs". Recognised as a thought leader in the fields of cloud computing, DevOps, and automation, he speaks regularly at international conferences and frequently organizes public workshops and seminars.

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Defining polyglot programming with Neal Ford

ThoughtWorks Director and Software Architect Neal Ford delves on how polyglot enables developers to express their creativity, how it is a natural fit for microservices, and where low-code fits into all of this.

Diving deep into databases with Joe Karlsson

MongoDB Developer Advocate Joe Karlsson talks about NoSQL and SQL databases and the importance of choosing the right database for your organization as these can vary in architecture, functionality, and more.

Developing a cloud adoption strategy with Mike Kavis

Deloitte Consulting Managing Director Mike Kavis discusses how companies can successfully develop a cloud-adoption strategy and how they can address the challenges that are associated with utilizing the cloud.

Going cloud-native with David Linthicum

Deloitte Consulting Chief Cloud Strategy Officer David Linthicum deciphers the evolution of cloud computing; how it has changed the way enterprises deploy IT.

Creating an API story with Mike Amundsen

Internationally known author and speaker Mike Amundsen discusses the advantages of having an API-first design and how great APIs relate to microservices in breaking down the traditional monolithic application design.

Understanding when and when not to use microservices with Rahul Rai

Engineering Manager and Zip Technical Team Lead Rahul Rai talks about the advantages and challenges of implementing a microservices architecture and how organizations can develop a strategy to further maximize the benefits of microservices.

How to approach legacy system migration with Erik Dietrich

DaedTech LLC founder and Hit Subscribe CEO and co-founder Erik Dietrich discusses how modern enterprises can innovate by giving more independence to software engineers and the challenges that companies are facing when they decide to undergo digital transformation.

Digital transformation in the new normal with Amancio Bouza

Principal Consultant for IPT and API thought leader Amancio Bouza talks about how the pandemic is accelerating digital transformation, the struggles businesses are facing on remote working, and methods on how to overcome these challenges.

Simplifying application development through API-first design methodology

Martini Product Architect Vivien Jovet delves into the benefits of API-First Design Methodology and how it can streamline application development.

Data integration in enterprises: How TORO Cloud was born

TORO Cloud CEO and Founder David Brown shares the journey of the company and the digital issues of enterprises it will tackle in the future.