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Why you should be using a hexagonal architecture for microservices with José Haro Peralta

Our guest for today is a consultant, author, and instructor. He's the founder of and the author of "Microservice APIs". Recognised as a thought leader in the fields of cloud computing, DevOps, and automation, he speaks regularly at international conferences and frequently organizes public workshops and seminars.

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How the pandemic impacted cybersecurity with Sashank Dara

In this episode, Seconize co-founder and CTO Sashank Dara talks to us about the challenges associated with cybersecurity and how the pandemic has affected it. We also learn about the costs of cyberattacks and how a company board can get involved in strengthening their defenses.

Misconceptions on digital transformation with Charles Araujo

In this episode, the founder of the Institute of Digital Transformation Charles Araujo aims to address some misconceptions most companies have when it comes to digital transformation and argues why 2020 wasn't the transformational year we all thought it was. He also talks about the importance of "intellectual curiosity" and why we should stop adhering to the "tech company fallacy."

The State of Digital Transformation in 2021 with Omar Akhtar

How have companies fared in their digital transformation initiatives this year? Research Director Omar Akhtar gives us a look at some of their findings at Altimeter and their predictions on how far we'd have to go to become "digitally mature." He also discusses convergence between sales and marketing in the modern business landscape, creating an agile content system, and why a transformation management office is something to consider.

Rethinking how organisations approach digital transformation with Michael Krigsman

In this round of Cocktails, industry analyst and CXOTalk host Michael Krigsman shares some stories from experts and leaders in the tech space as they take on their digital transformation initiatives. He also discusses how organisations rethink business strategies as they navigate their own transformation initiatives -- and how customers and stakeholders play a crucial role during the journey.

The Design of Web APIs with Arnaud Lauret

In this episode, API Handyman Arnaud Lauret joins us and discusses the design of web APIs - from making them consistent and discoverable, to the roles that the API gateway plays. He also chimes in on whether adopting new technologies and trends in API architecture would be the best approach to design your APIs.

Going through a digital transformation journey with Kamales Lardi

In this episode, Lardi & Partner CEO and one of Awards Magazine's "Top 50 Women in Tech Influencers" Kamales Lardi guides us through a typical organization's journey through digital transformation. She also shares with us her experiences in transforming organisations, and what it really takes to find success in your digital transformation initiatives.

Why microservices should be your last resort with Sam Newman

Are microservices really the solution that could help make your teams more autonomous and speed up your delivery to the market? Microservices author and thought leader Sam Newman answers this, and talks about what you need to consider before you do your migration (if a migration is even necessary).

Designing Data Intensive Applications with Martin Kleppmann

In this episode, Senior Research Associate from the Cambridge University and author of "Designing Data Intensive Applications" Martin Kleppmann joins us and discusses how they are finding ways to make software collaboration and ownership properly coexist through their "local-first software" project, which will allow users to work offline without compromising important security aspects and user data control.

Managing your software team's growing pains with Pete Hodgson

In this episode, former ThoughtWorker and independent software consultant Pete Hodgson talks about addressing pain points in software development teams and cross-team collaboration. He also educates on code-ownership, technical debt and better product engagement in developing internal platforms.

From US Marine to Hacker: A story on cybersecurity with Bryan Seely

Going from a Marine into a hacker is quite the story, and world-renowned cybersecurity expert Bryan Seely joins us in this episode to tell us what it's like. He also tackles various issues in hacking and cybersecurity, and what companies can do to protect themselves against attacks.