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Toro Cloud

Toro Gives Back

Written by David Brown  |  January 4, 2019

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For the past three years, TORO has been supporting the Children's Home of Eucharistic Love and Kindness, an orphanage in the Philippines.

The holiday season is all about spreading love, and a great reminder of the potential impact we each can have on the lives of the people around us. Every year, TORO shows gratitude and love by giving back to the community.

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For the past three years, TORO has been supporting the Children's Home of Eucharistic Love and Kindness, an orphanage in the Philippines.

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In previous years, volunteers from TORO have brought the children of the orphanage gifts and spent the day enjoying time with the children. This year when we approached one of the Sisters at the orphanage about the best way we could help, we were told that they had been kicked out of their previous accommodation due to a land dispute and were now living in a small temporary shelter. We were told that although they were sleeping on the floor, their most urgent need was money to pay the rent.

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Given the gravity of the situation the staff and management of TORO rallied together and raised sufficient funds to provide rent, mattresses, sheets, pillows, and toiletries, in addition to treats and gifts for the kids. The best gift of all however was seeing the appreciation on the faces of the children as we unloaded the truck of bedding and gifts.

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