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REST vs SOAP: A comprehensive guide to their differences

Written by Eduardo Moore | March 13, 2023

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the backbone of modern web development, enabling communication and data exchange between different software systems. Commonly used types of APIs are REST (Representational State Transfer), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), and more recently GraphQL and AsyncAPI. In this blog, we will dive into the differences between REST and SOAP APIs, exploring their functionality, security, performance, and ease of use. 

What is SOAP?

SOAP was introduced in 1998 by Dave Winer, Don Box, Bob Atkinson, and Mohsen Al-Ghosein as an alternative to the more complex distributed object technologies such as CORBA and DCOM.

SOAP APIs evolved in the early 2000s, when web services became popular as a way to facilitate communication and data exchange between different systems. SOAP APIs were widely used during this time to enable interoperability between applications running on different platforms and written in different programming languages.

SOAP APIs were particularly popular in enterprise applications, where they were used to expose functionality in a standardized, secure, and reliable way. However, with the emergence of RESTful APIs, which are simpler, more flexible, and more efficient than SOAP APIs, their usage has declined in recent years.

SOAP is designed to be platform and language independent, making it well suited for integration with a variety of systems. It uses a standard format for sending and receiving messages, allowing for a common method of communication between different systems.

SOAP defines a set of rules for structuring messages and exchanging data over the internet. It uses a combination of XML and HTTP to send and receive messages, making it independent of the underlying transport protocol. SOAP messages can be sent over a variety of transport protocols, including HTTP, SMTP, and TCP.

One of the key features of SOAP is its support for Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which is used to describe the functions and methods available in a SOAP-based web service. WSDL allows clients to automatically generate the code needed to call the web service, making it easier to integrate with the service.

SOAP is a protocol for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services. It is an XML-based messaging protocol that uses a combination of XML and HTTP to send and receive messages. SOAP is designed to be platform and language independent and has built-in support for Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

What are the Characteristics of SOAP APIs?

SOAP APIs are XML-based, protocol independent, strongly typed, and have built-in error handling and security capabilities. They are well-suited for applications that require the exchange of large amounts of structured data and have built-in support for WSDL.

Here are the characteristics of SOAP APIs:

  1. XML-based
    SOAP APIs use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) to encode the data being sent between the client and server. This allows for a standardized format for exchanging data that is easy to understand and interpret.

  2. Protocol independent
    SOAP APIs can be used with a variety of underlying transport protocols, including HTTP, SMTP, and TCP. This makes it easier to integrate with a variety of systems and environments.

  3. Strong typing
    SOAP APIs use strong typing, meaning that the data types used in the request and response are defined and strictly enforced. This helps to ensure that the correct data is being exchanged and reduces the possibility of errors.

  4. Built-in error handling
    SOAP APIs have built-in error handling capabilities, making it easier to identify and respond to errors in the request and response.

  5. WSDL support
    SOAP APIs have built-in support for WSDL (Web Services Description Language), which is used to describe the functions and methods available in a SOAP-based web service.

  6. Security
    SOAP APIs can be secured using a variety of techniques, including SSL/TLS encryption, digital signatures, and username/password authentication.

  7. Large message support
    SOAP APIs are designed to support large messages, making it well-suited for applications that require the exchange of large amounts of data.

Real world examples of SOAP APIs

Here are some examples of popular SOAP APIs (which were current at the time of writing):

  • Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) is a SOAP API that allows developers to access Microsoft Exchange data, including email, calendar, and contacts.

  • Salesforce SOAP API allows developers to access and manipulate data in the Salesforce platform, including accounts, contacts, and opportunities.

  • UPS shipping API is a SOAP API that allows developers to access UPS shipping information, including shipping rates, tracking information, and shipping labels.

  • Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) API is a SOAP API that allows developers to send and receive notifications from Amazon SNS.

  • PayPal SOAP API allows developers to access and manipulate data in the PayPal platform, including payments, subscriptions, and refunds.

These are just a few examples of the many SOAP APIs available today. SOAP APIs are often used in enterprise environments to access and manipulate data in legacy systems, and they provide a standardized method of communication between different systems.

Is REST a better SOAP?

REST is a software architectural style that was introduced by Roy Fielding in 2000 in his doctoral dissertation, "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures."

Fielding was a key contributor to the development of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) standard, and he drew on his experiences with HTTP to develop REST as a set of principles for designing web APIs.

REST APIs evolved as a more lightweight and flexible alternative to SOAP APIs. RESTful APIs gained widespread adoption due to their simplicity, scalability, and ease of use. The rise of mobile and web applications that relied on APIs to access and exchange data further accelerated the adoption of RESTful APIs.

Today, RESTful APIs are the most widely used approach for designing web APIs, and they are supported by a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. RESTful APIs have become a fundamental building block of modern web applications, and they are used in a wide range of industries and use cases, from e-commerce and social media to healthcare and finance.

REST addressed some of the limitations and drawbacks of SOAP. Some of the problems with SOAP that REST was trying to solve include:

  • Complexity
    SOAP is a very complex protocol, with a large number of specifications and standards that need to be implemented to create a functioning SOAP API. This complexity can make it difficult and time-consuming to develop and maintain SOAP APIs.

  • Overhead
    SOAP uses XML to encode messages, which can lead to high message overheads due to the large size of XML files. This can make SOAP APIs slower and more bandwidth-intensive than REST APIs.

  • Tight coupling
    SOAP APIs often tightly couple the client and server, meaning that changes to the API can have a cascading effect on all clients that use it. This can make it difficult to evolve the API over time without breaking existing clients.

  • Limited support for caching
    SOAP does not provide explicit support for caching, which can make it difficult to scale SOAP APIs and achieve high levels of performance.

REST was designed to be a simpler, more flexible, and more lightweight alternative to SOAP. REST APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to expose resources and enable clients to interact with them using simple, human-readable URLs. This simplicity and flexibility make REST APIs easier to develop, maintain, and consume, and allow for greater scalability and performance.

What is REST?

REST is a set of constraints and guidelines that dictate how web services should be built, including how data is represented and transferred over the internet. REST is based on the principles of the World Wide Web and is designed to work with the existing infrastructure of the web.

REST is a stateless, client-server protocol, meaning that the server does not store any information about the client session. Instead, all of the necessary information is included in each request and response, allowing for the client and server to be completely separated.

REST APIs use HTTP methods to perform operations, such as retrieving data (GET), creating data (POST), updating data (PUT), and deleting data (DELETE). The data returned by a REST API is usually in JSON or XML format. REST APIs are designed to be flexible and scalable, making them well suited for modern web development.

One of the key principles of REST is resource-oriented architecture, which means that each resource, such as a user or a blog post, is represented by a unique URL. REST APIs use these URLs to access and manipulate the resources. The resource URLs can also include parameters to filter or sort the data returned by the API.

REST is a simple, flexible, and scalable API architecture that is designed to work with the existing infrastructure of the web. It is based on the principles of the World Wide Web and uses HTTP methods and resource-oriented URLs to perform operations and access data. REST is widely used for building web services and is an important part of modern web development.

What are the characteristics of REST APIs?

REST APIs have a simple, flexible, and scalable architecture that is designed to work with the existing infrastructure of the web. The characteristics of REST APIs, such as statelessness, cacheability, and resource-orientation, make them well-suited for modern web development.

Here are the characteristics of REST APIs:

  • Client-server architecture
    REST APIs use a client-server architecture, where the client makes requests to the server and the server returns responses.

  • Statelessness
    REST APIs are stateless, meaning that the server does not store any information about the client session. All of the necessary information is included in each request and response.

  • Cacheability
    REST APIs should be cacheable, meaning that the response from a REST API can be stored for a certain amount of time and reused to improve performance.

  • Layered system
    REST APIs use a layered system, meaning that the client does not need to know the details of the server and can communicate with it through a set of well-defined interfaces.

  • Uniform interface
    REST APIs have a uniform interface, meaning that the methods used to manipulate resources are standardized and consistent across the API. The four standard methods used by REST APIs are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

  • Resource oriented
    REST APIs use a resource-oriented architecture, meaning that each resource, such as a user or a blog post, is represented by a unique URL.

  • Optional code on demand
    REST APIs can include code on demand, meaning that the client can download and execute code from the server. This is optional and is not required for all REST APIs.

Real world examples of REST APIs

Here are some examples of popular REST APIs:

  • Twitter API allows developers to access Twitter's database of tweets and users and perform operations such as retrieving tweets, posting tweets, and searching for tweets.

  • Facebook Graph API allows developers to access Facebook's data and perform operations such as retrieving user information, posting updates, and accessing pages.

  • Google Maps API allows developers to access Google Maps data and perform operations such as retrieving maps, searching for locations, and getting directions.

  • Amazon S3 API allows developers to access Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) and perform operations such as uploading and downloading files, listing files, and managing buckets.

  • Stripe API allows developers to access Stripe's payment platform and perform operations such as processing payments, managing subscriptions, and handling refunds.

These are just a few examples of the many REST APIs available today. REST APIs are widely used by web and mobile developers to access and manipulate data from a wide variety of sources.

REST vs SOAP: a comparison

Both REST and SOAP APIs have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of functionality, security, performance, and ease of use. The choice between REST and SOAP will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the environment in which it is being used.

Here is a comparison of REST and SOAP in terms of functionality, security, performance, and ease of use:

  • Functionality
    Both REST and SOAP APIs provide a means of accessing and manipulating data and functionality in a web service. REST APIs use HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to perform actions, while SOAP APIs use XML-based messages to exchange data. In terms of functionality, both REST and SOAP APIs are capable of performing similar tasks, but REST APIs are generally considered to be more flexible and scalable.

  • Security
    Both REST and SOAP APIs can be secured using SSL/TLS encryption and digital signatures, and both can use username/password authentication for access control. However, SOAP APIs often have more built-in security features, such as XML Encryption and XML Signature, which can provide a higher level of security for sensitive data.

  • Performance
    REST APIs are generally considered to be faster and more efficient than SOAP APIs due to their lighter weight and simpler structure. REST APIs use less overhead and fewer resources, making them well-suited for high-volume, high-speed data exchange. SOAP APIs, on the other hand, are often slower and more resource-intensive due to their XML-based structure and the need to process XML messages.

  • Ease of use
    REST APIs are often easier to work with than SOAP APIs, as they use a simpler, more intuitive structure and are more flexible in terms of data exchange. REST APIs use standard HTTP methods and can be accessed using a variety of programming languages and platforms, making them easy to integrate with a variety of systems. SOAP APIs, on the other hand, often require a more complex setup and are more difficult to integrate with, due to their XML-based structure and the need to process XML message

The choice between REST and SOAP will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the environment in which it is being used.

REST vs SOAP: what are the pros and cons?

REST and SOAP APIs have their pros and cons, and the choice between them will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the environment in which it is being used

Here are the pros and cons of using REST and SOAP:

Pros of REST:          

  1. Lightweight: REST APIs are lightweight and use less bandwidth and resources compared to SOAP APIs, making them well-suited for high-volume, high-speed data exchange.

  2. Flexibility: REST APIs use standard HTTP methods and can be accessed using a variety of programming languages and platforms, making them easy to integrate with a variety of systems.

  3. Scalability: REST APIs are scalable and can handle large amounts of data and traffic, making them ideal for use in high-volume, high-traffic environments.

  4. Easy to understand: REST APIs use a simple, intuitive structure and are easy to understand and use, even for developers with limited API experience.

Cons of REST:

  1. Limited security features: REST APIs have limited built-in security features and may require additional security measures to be implemented.

  2. Statelessness: REST APIs are stateless, meaning that each request must contain all of the information necessary to complete the request, and the server does not maintain any state information between requests.

Pros of SOAP:

  1. Built-in security features: SOAP APIs have built-in security features, such as XML Encryption and XML Signature, which can provide a higher level of security for sensitive data.

  2. Standardized: SOAP APIs use standardized XML-based messages, making them well-suited for use in enterprise environments where interoperability between systems is a concern.

  3. Reliable: SOAP APIs are reliable and can guarantee the delivery of data, making them ideal for use in mission-critical systems.

Cons of SOAP:

  1. Resource-intensive: SOAP APIs are more resource-intensive and use more bandwidth and processing power compared to REST APIs, making them less well-suited for high-volume, high-speed data exchange.

  2. Complexity: SOAP APIs are more complex and harder to understand and use compared to REST APIs, especially for developers with limited API experience.

  3. Inflexibility: SOAP APIs are less flexible and may be more difficult to integrate with a variety of systems compared to REST APIs.

REST vs SOAP: other factors to consider

When choosing between REST and SOAP APIs, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Functionality: What kind of functionality is required for the API? REST APIs are often simpler and more flexible, while SOAP APIs can provide more robust functionality, especially in enterprise environments.

  2. Security: How important is security for the data being exchanged? SOAP APIs have built-in security features, while REST APIs may require additional security measures to be implemented.

  3. Performance: How much data and traffic will the API need to handle? REST APIs are often more efficient and scalable, while SOAP APIs can be more resource-intensive.

  4. Interoperability: How important is interoperability between systems? SOAP APIs use standardized XML-based messages, making them well-suited for use in enterprise environments where interoperability is a concern.

  5. Development time and cost: How much time and resources are available for API development and maintenance? REST APIs are often easier to develop and maintain, while SOAP APIs can be more complex and time-consuming.

  6. Ease of use: How important is ease of use for the API and its users? REST APIs are often easier to understand and use, while SOAP APIs can be more complex and harder to use, especially for developers with limited API experience.

  7. Support and maintenance: What level of support and maintenance is required for the API? REST APIs are often simpler and easier to maintain, while SOAP APIs may require more support and maintenance due to their complexity.

These factors should be carefully considered when choosing between REST and SOAP APIs, as the choice will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the environment in which it is being used.

REST vs SOAP: Use cases

REST and SOAP APIs each have their own use cases where they are more suitable:

Use cases for REST APIs:

  • Simple and lightweight data exchanges: REST APIs are ideal for simple data exchanges that don't require complex processing. For example, a REST API could be used to retrieve information about a product from a database and return that information to a client in response to a user request. The simplicity of REST APIs makes them well-suited for small data exchanges, which can be completed quickly and efficiently.

  • Mobile app development: REST APIs are commonly used in the development of mobile apps, particularly for mobile devices with limited resources, such as smartphones and tablets. REST APIs can be designed to minimize the amount of data transmitted over the network, making them well-suited for mobile app development, where bandwidth and data usage is a concern.

  • Integrating with cloud-based or third-party services: REST APIs are often used to integrate with cloud-based or third-party services, as they provide a flexible, easy-to-use interface for exchanging data between different systems. REST APIs are typically easier to work with than SOAP APIs, making them a popular choice for integrating with third-party services.

  • Applications where scalability is a concern: REST APIs are designed to be scalable, meaning they can accommodate increasing traffic and data demands as an application grows. This makes REST APIs a good choice for applications where scalability is a concern, as they can easily be scaled to handle increasing traffic and data requirements.

Use cases for SOAP APIs:

  • Enterprise-level applications: SOAP APIs are commonly used in enterprise-level applications, where a more robust and secure API is required. SOAP APIs have built-in security features, such as encryption and digital signatures, which make them well-suited for secure data exchanges in large, complex applications.

  • Applications that require a high level of security: As mentioned, SOAP APIs have built-in security features that make them well-suited for applications that require a high level of security. For example, SOAP APIs can use encryption to protect sensitive data during transmission, and digital signatures to ensure the authenticity of the data being transmitted.

  • Integration between different systems: SOAP APIs can provide a standardized format for data exchange between different systems, making them well-suited for integration between different systems. This standardized format can help to ensure that data is exchanged correctly between systems, reducing the risk of errors or misinterpretations.

  • Applications that require a large amount of data to be transferred: SOAP APIs can handle larger payloads than REST APIs, making them well-suited for applications that require a large amount of data to be transferred. For example, a SOAP API could be used to transfer detailed information about a customer's order from one system to another, including information about the products ordered, shipping address, and payment method

REST vs SOAP: Choosing the right protocol for your web APIs

Both REST and SOAP are protocols used for building web services and APIs, but they have different design principles, features, and use cases.

SOAP is a highly structured and standardized protocol that relies on XML messaging and supports a wide range of security and transactional features. SOAP was designed for enterprise applications that require a high level of reliability, security, and interoperability.

REST, on the other hand, is a more flexible and lightweight protocol that uses simple HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and URLs to expose resources and enable clients to interact with them. REST was designed for web-scale applications that require high scalability, performance, and ease of use.

Overall, RESTful APIs are generally considered to be more scalable, easier to use, and more suitable for modern web applications than SOAP APIs. However, SOAP APIs still have their place in certain enterprise and legacy applications that require complex messaging and transactional features. Ultimately, the choice between REST and SOAP will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application or system being developed.