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Lonti Blog

We publish content that will help improve your business. No fluffy blog posts here; just in-depth, information-packed articles with insights you can apply to your business straight away.

Digital Transformation

The Role of Data Mesh in Digital Transformation

Discover the role of data mesh in digital transformation. Explore how this decentralized approach revolutionizes data strategies, enhances accessibility, and supercharges analytics in the age of digital innovation.
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Agile Development

A Guide to Agile Data Modeling

Discover the power of Agile Data Modeling in the era of digital transformation. Learn how it addresses the limitations of traditional models and enables organizations to be flexible, collaborative, and responsive.
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Security Considerations in Data Mesh

Explore the security considerations in a decentralized data mesh architecture. Learn about the challenges and best practices for maintaining data integrity and privacy in a distributed environment.
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Data Lakes

A Guide to Data Lake Governance

Discover the importance of data lake governance in our digital world. Learn how effective governance can maximize the potential of data lakes and ensure trustworthiness and usability. Find out the pillars of data lake governance and the challenges and trends in this evolving field. Join us on the journey towards clarity, security, and purpose in data management.
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Big Data

Data Mesh in the Age of Big Data

Discover the transformative power of Data Mesh in the age of big data. Learn how this decentralized architecture enhances scalability, adaptability, and data quality for organizations. Explore real-world case studies and future outlook. Book a demo to see how Data Mesh can revolutionize your data management.
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Data Lakes

Optimizing Performance in Data Lakes

Learn how to optimize performance in data lakes by striking a balance between speed and flexibility. Discover strategies such as decoupling storage from compute, data partitioning, intelligent data caching, and more. Master the intricacies of metadata and query performance for diverse datasets. Harness the power of machine learning and data governance to improve performance. Redefine the boundaries of what's possible with data lakes and pave the way for future innovations.
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Data Mesh and Microservices: A Perfect Pairing

Discover the powerful synergy between Data Mesh and Microservices in managing data and services. Learn how these architectures promote autonomy, decentralization, and ownership, leading to operational success and innovation.
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Data Lakes

Data Lakes for Unstructured Data

Discover the power of data lakes for unstructured data in this blog. Learn how businesses can navigate the challenges of managing unstructured data and derive valuable insights. Embrace the new era of data management and turn data into a strategic advantage.
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Data Mesh

Implementing Data Mesh in an Enterprise

Learn how to effectively implement data mesh in your enterprise and navigate the challenges that come with this decentralized data architecture. Discover the key principles, prerequisites, planning phase, implementation strategies, and performance metrics for a successful data mesh implementation.
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